Our KF94 MB (Melt-blown) filter is 1.2 metre (120 cm) wide and it will be sent 0.5 metre lengths (50 cm) you can order multiple quantities of them. We can’t send continuous lengths unless you purchase a 20 metre roll,. delivery may be delayed due to online order activity and our stock availability, we will deal with orders on a first come first served basis. You can cut at least 20 filters from a half metre unit, subject to the size of filter you need and we highly recommend you change the filter at least twice a week as general public usage, more often if you are close to infected or vulnerable people. The filter is not washable, once you have used the filter, please put it in a bin and wash your hands and machine wash the mask.
Please note that, this item is not dis-countable because we are reducing the cost to make it affordable, we are paying 4 times more for this filter material than for the standard SB filter and we are planning to donate 10% profit from selling filter material.
Our donation will go to NHS & care community sectors.
- Experimented with 0.6 µm (1×10−6 m) particles (Korean Filter standard).
In summary, they are basically all the same. They stop 95% of particles >0.3 microns in size. The N95 is the USA Code, KN95 is China code, KF94 is Korea code and FFP2 is the EU code, this includes the UK.
“KN95, KF94 and FFP2 face masks are N95 face mask alternatives & N95 equivalents. They are all the same.” –
“The SARS-CoV-2 virus itself is around 50-200 nanometres wide. “Any mask” will not prevent you catching it. The WHO says masks are only effective when combined with regular hand washing. Viruses like this can enter through the eyes even if you’re wearing a mask.” –